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Real Estate Registry Maps Archivio di Stato di Brescia by Marco Lanzini

The almost 20.000 maps digitised during the first part of 2017 have been created due to two different Land property census, called “Catasto lombardo veneto” and the first “Catasto del Regno d’Italia”. The two collections have been moved to the State Archive of Brescia in 2 rounds: the first collection, previously stored and preserved by the “Ufficio tecnico erariale bresciano” arrived at the archive in 1940, the second in 1963,

Both the series of Maps, from ’50 and ’90 of the XIX Century, reproduce all the Brescia’s municipalities. Each municipality includes changes applyed durign the cours of the years in addition to a general overview map devided by terrotorial sections and in addition to joinable and detailed maps of the sections described by the general overview map.

In each municipality, the properties have been organised by progressive number, called “numero di particella” (number of section) linked to multuple real estate registry containing the information about the tipology of the property and the destionation use by law, names of the owners and sales.

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